On the afternoon of November 27, 2019, Dr. Gunnar Lindenblatt, director of the Institute of Aachen University of Technology in Germany , visiting professor of Zhejiang University and Fan Yandu, expert of the National Thousand Talents Program and chairman of Xi'an Huaou Precision Machinery Co., Ltd., accompanied by Sheng Yanlai, senior engineer of Shaanxi Provincial Highway Society, came to our school for academic reports and exchange. Wang Hainian, vice dean of the School of Highway, Sun Qipeng, vice dean of the School of Economics and Management, Zhu Wenying, deputy director of the Department of Transportation Management, Dr. Wu Jiani, Professor Peng Hui and Dr. Qu Xin attended the symposium. The symposium was held in the second conference room of the School of Highways and was presided over by Prof. Wang Hainian.
First, Professor Wang Hainian welcomed Dr. Gunnar Lindenblatt and Chairman Fan Yandu, and briefly introduced the discipline construction, talent training, faculty and scientific research status of the School of Highway. Subsequently, Dr. Gunnar Lindenblatt gave a report entitled "Prospects of New Underground Rail Logistics System". He explained in detail the cutting-edge theory of the future underground logistics system, systematically introduced the technical details and advantages of the system, and prospected the application prospect of the future underground logistics system in China.

Dr. Gunnar Lindenblatt gave a report entitled "Prospects of New Underground Rail Logistics System"
Afterwards, Chairman Fan Yandu and the teachers in the meeting had a lively discussion on the key technologies, implementation plans, and application prospects of the new underground rail logistics system.

Chairman Fan Yandu

Group Photo