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Professor Zhang Gang of the School of Highway was invited to attend the ISSS2019 International Academic Symposium

Time:November 19, 2019

The 10th International Steel Structure Symposium "ISSS2019" was undertaken by the Korean Steel Structure Association and was held in Jeju, South Korea from November 13 to 16, 2019. Nearly 200 scholars from more than 10 countries including China, the United States, South Korea, Japan, and India participated in the conference.

Professor Zhang Gang of the School of Highway was invited to participate in this international steel structure symposium to gave an academic report entitled "Evaluating Failure of Continuous Steel-Concrete Composite Bridge Girders under Localized Hydrocarbon Fire Exposure"and He was also invited to preside over the theme meeting of "Research Progress on Steel and Composite Structures".

During the meeting, Professor Zhang Gang had an active exchange with many internationally renowned steel structure experts, Professor CHOI of Gyeonggi University in South Korea, Academician of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, Foreign Academician of the Indian Academy of Engineering, and Distinguished Professor KODUR of Michigan State University. It publicized the progress of the research on the extreme disasters and protection of the bridge structure of the School of Highway, and further enhanced the school's international academic influence.

Professor Zhang Gang giving a report

Professor Zhang Gang presiding over the meeting

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Next:Professor Andrew Dawson of the University of Nottingham, UK visited the School of Highway and carried out cooperative discussions and academic exchanges


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