【国际会议17】ISBM Lyon 2020法国
会议名称:International Symposium on Bituminous Materials
会议时间:June 8th-10th2020
会议地点:Lyon, France
Abstract submission: May 2019
Notification of abstract acceptance: July 2019
Submission of full papers: November 2019
The symposium will join the strengths of 3 RILEM Technical Committees of Cluster F, making it an exceptional and unique event:
264-RAP (“Asphalt Pavement Recycling”),
272-PIM (“Phase and Interphase behaviour of bituminous Materials”),
278-CHA (“Crack-Healing of Asphalt Pavement Materials”).
The participation of researchers and practitioners from different fields will allow tackling key scientific challenges related to properties of bituminous materials and structures and innovative practices in the pavement domain.
This event will be a wonderful opportunity to share the latest advancements and innovations in the field of asphalt pavements and to bridge the gap between scientific research and applied engineering.
Bituminous materials (bitumen, mastics, mixtures)
Phase and interphase behaviour
Cracking and healing
Modification and innovative materials
Durability and environmental aspects
Testing (laboratory, in situ, accelerated) and modelling
Multi-scale properties
Road, railway and airport pavement structures
Surface characteristics
Structure performance, modelling and design
Non-destructive testing
Life Cycle Assessment