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【国际会议19】ISHGD 2020 2020.6.28-7.1 荷兰


【国际会议19ISHGD 2020 荷兰

会议名称:6th International Symposium on Highway Geometric Design

会议时间:28 June -1 July, 2020

会议地点:Amsterdam, the Netherlands


12 January 2019                              Abstract submission open

1 June 2019                                     Abstract submission deadline

1 June – 31 July 2019                     Review and acceptance of abstracts, invitation to write paper

1 August – 1 October 2019             Authors submit draft papers

1 October – 31 October 2019         Steering committee completes review

1 November – 31 December 2019   Organize program schedules

January 2020                                    Send notifications to authors

31 January 2020                               Publish final program

31 March 2020                                 Authors submit final papers



The 6th International Symposium on Highway Geometric Design aims to encourage the continuous improvement of highway geometric design.

This Symposium presents an international network of highway and street design experts, from research and knowledge institutes, universities and higher education, major engineering consultants and highway contractors, national, regional and local road authorities.

Interactive workshops, encouraging a more active participation by all delegates, are aimed at sharing insights in thematic discussions, leading to valuable conclusions and recommendations for future designs.

6th Urban Streets Symposium

In 2020 the International Symposium for Highway Geometric Design is featuring the Urban Streets Symposium. For the first time USS will be a global symposium, hosted outside the USA. Besides topics on Highway Geometric Design the 2020 symposium is open for Urban Streets topics as well. We encourage authors to submit abstracts in the wide spectrum of infrastructure design.

Abstract submission is now open on www.ishgd2020.org.

上一篇:【国际会议20】BBAA 2020 2020.7.20-7.23 英国

下一篇:【国际会议17】ISBM Lyon 2020 2020.6.8-6.10 法国
