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【国际会议15】ICPT 2019 2019.7.10-7.12 马来西亚


【国际会议15ICPT 2019 马来西亚

会议名称:11th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology 2019

会议时间:10th to 12th of July 2019

会议地点:Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

举办单位:The Highway and Transportation Engineering (HTE) Unit of Department of Civil Engineering, University Putra Malaysia.



1 November 2018

Deadline for submission of abstracts

1 December 2018

Notification of acceptance of abstracts

1 March 2019

Deadline for submission of full papers

1 May 2019

Notification of acceptance of full papers

1 June 2019

Deadline for submission of final papers (Camera-ready)

1 May 2019

Deadline for early stage registration

10-12 July 2019

11th ICPT 2019 Conference Day



The objectives of ICPT is to promote pavement technological advancement worldwide, with special emphasis in pavement technological development in developing countries, by encouraging exchange and transfer of pavement technology among professionals and researchers of different countries and regions, through organizing technology transfer activities such as international conferences.

Topics of this conference include the following:

Ÿ   Pavement Design, Evaluation and Performance

Ÿ   Pavement Construction

Ÿ   Pavement Materials Characterization

Ÿ   Sustainability in Pavement Engineering

Ÿ   Pavement Preservation

Ÿ   Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation Techniques

Ÿ   Pavement Management Systems and Financing

Ÿ   Pavement and Transportation Safety

Ÿ   Law and Enforcement Related to Pavement Engineering

Ÿ   Pavement Drainage and Erosion Control

Ÿ   GIS Application for Pavement

Ÿ   Quarry Material Assessment for Pavement

Ÿ   Pavement Instrumentation

Ÿ   Other pavement related topics

The scientific community related to road and airport pavement could capitalise on this conference platform to develop stronger and more organised relationships between universities, national and international research agencies.

上一篇:【国际会议17】ISBM Lyon 2020 2020.6.8-6.10 法国

下一篇:【国际会议13】8th JAPAN / CHINA Workshop on Pavement Technology 2018.11.28-11.30 日本
