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序号 论文题目 刊物名称 检索类别
1 An investigation on shape memory behaviors of epoxy resin system Journal of materials research SCI
2 Laboratory investigation of andesite and limestone asphalt mixtures containing sodium chloride-based anti-icing filler Construction and Building Materials SCI
3 Viscosity-temperature characteristics of warm mix asphalt binder with Sasobit® Construction and Building Materials SCI
4 3D characterization of the grain sphericity and angularity with the aid of computed tomography Bauingenieur SCI
5 A fuzzy logic based variable speed limit controller Journal of Advanced Transportation SCI
6 A Sensor-driven Structural Health Prognosis Procedure Considering Sensor Degradation Structure and Infrastructure Engineering SCI
7 A Simple Three-dimensional Failure Criterion for Rocks Based on the Hoek–Brown Criterion Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering SCI
8 Aging properties and mechanism of the modified asphalt by packaging waste polyethylene and waste rubber powder POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES SCI
9 An experimental investigation of optimal asphalt–aggregate ratio for different compaction methods Construction and Building Materials SCI
10 An Idealized Discrete Element Model for Pavement-wheel Interaction Journal of Marine Science and Technology SCI
11 Band gap analysis of star-shaped honeycombs with varied Poisson’s ratio Smart Materials and Structures SCI
12 Blasting Vibration Monitoring of Undercrossing Railway Tunnel Using Wireless Sensor Network International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks SCI
13 Calibration of the continuous surface cap model for concrete Finite Elements in Analysis and Design SCI
14 Challenges and strategies involved in designing and constructing a 6km immersed tunnel: A case study of the Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macao Bridge Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology SCI
15 Characterization of the distress modes and in situ material properties of highway asphalt pavement with long service life JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTED FACILITIES SCI
16 Choice Model and Influencing Factor Analysis of Travel Mode for Migrant Workers: Case Study in Xi’an, China DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY SCI
17 Comparison and analysis on heat reflective coating for asphalt pavement based on cooling effect and anti-skid performance Construction and Building Materials SCI
18 Concrete image segmentation based on multiscale mathematic morphology operators and Otsu method Advances in Materials Science and Engineering SCI
19 Design, preparation and properties of microcapsules containing rejuvenator for asphalt Construction and Building Materials SCI
20 Effect of a tetra functional epoxy monomer on the thermomechanical properties of shape-memory epoxy resin Fibers and Polymers SCI
21 Effect of curing compounds on the properties and microstructure of cement concretes Construction and Building Materials SCI
22 Effect of internal curing on moisture gradient distribution and deformation of a concrete pavement slab containing pre-wetted lightweight fine aggregates DRYING TECHNOLOGY SCI
23 Effect of nano-ZnO with modified surface on properties of bitumen Construction and Building Materials SCI
24 Effects of strain and higher order inertia gradients on wave propagation in single-walled carbon nanotubes Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures SCI
25 Effects of various factors on the VIV-induced fatigue damage in the cable of submerged floating tunnel POLISH MARITIME RESEARCH SCI
26 Effects of WMA additive on the rheological properties of asphalt binder and high temperature performance grade Advances in Materials Science and Engineering SCI
27 Enhancement of the dielectric performance of PA11/PVDF blends by a solution method with dimethyl sulfoxide e-Polymers SCI
28 Evaluation of aggregate resistance to wear with Micro-Deval test in combination with aggregate imaging techniques Wear SCI
29 Evaluation of long-term performance of anti-icing asphalt pavement Construction and Building Materials SCI
30 Experimental investigation of asymptotic state for anisotropic sand Acta Geotechnica SCI
31 Experimental investigation of pavement behavior after embankment widening using a fiber optic sensor network Structural Health Monitoring SCI
32 Experimental study on aging properties and modification mechanism of Trinidad lake asphalt modified bitumen Construction and Building Materials SCI
33 Experimental study on filtration effect and mechanism of pavement runoff in permeable asphalt pavement Construction and Building Materials SCI
34 Experimental study on relationships among composition, microscopic void features, and performance of porous asphalt concrete Journal of Materials in Civil Engineeing SCI
35 Failure criteria for cohesive-frictional materials based on Mohr-Coulomb failure function International Journal For Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics SCI
36 Fatigue Life Evaluation of In-Service Steel Bridges by Using Bi-Linear SN Curves ADVANCED STEEL CONSTRUCTION SCI
37 Fatigue Reliability Updating Evaluation of Existing Steel Bridges Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE SCI
38 Fatigue Service Life Evaluation of Existing Steel and Concrete Bridges ADVANCED STEEL CONSTRUCTION SCI
39 Health status monitoring of cuplock scaffold joint connection based on wavelet packet analysis Shock and Vibration SCI
40 High dielectric performance of polyamide 11/poly (vinylidene fluoride) blend films induced by interfacial glycidyl methacrylate Polymer science series A SCI
41 High Dielectric Performance of Polyamide 66/Poly (Vinylidene Fluoride) Flexible Blends Induced by Interfacial Copolymer for Capacitors polymers SCI
42 Impact of freeze-thaw cycles on compressive characteristic of asphalt mixture in cold regions Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. SCI
43 Improved definition of dynamic load allowance factor for highway bridges Structural Engineering and Mechanics SCI
44 In-situ preparation and characterization of highly oriented graphene oxide/cellulose-poly (butylene succinate) ternary composite films CELLULOSE SCI
45 Investigation of microstructural damage in shotcrete under a freeze-thaw environment Construction and Building Materials SCI
46 Laboratory investigation of dynamic rheological properties of tourmaline modified bitumen Construction and Building Materials SCI
47 Life-Cycle Cost Based Maintenance and Rehabilitation Strategies for Cable Supported Bridge International Journal of Advanced Steel Construction SCI
48 Low temperature property and salt releasing characteristics of antifreeze asphalt concrete under static and dynamic conditions Cold Regions Science and Technology SCI
49 Maximum entropy-based stochastic micromechanical model for a two-phase composite considering the inter-particle interaction effect ACTA MECHANICA SCI
50 Micromechanics prediction of effective modulus for asphalt mastic considering inter-particle interaction Construction and Building Materials SCI
52 Modification mechanism of high modulus asphalt binders and mixtures performance evaluation Construction and Building Materials SCI
53 Multiscale validation of the applicability of micromechanical models for asphalt mixture Advances in Materials Science and Engineering SCI
54 New Technology and Experimental Study on Snow-melting Heated Pavement System in Tunnel Portal Advances in Materials Science and Engineering SCI
55 Numerical Simulation of Prestressed Precast Concrete Bridge Deck Panels Using Damage Plasticity Model International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials SCI
56 Nonlinear dynamic performance of long-span cable-stayed bridge under traffic and wind Wind and structures SCI
57 Pavement treatment practices and dynamic albedo change in urban pavement network in California Transportation Research Record SCI
58 Performance characteristic of cold recycled mixture with asphalt emulsion and chemical additives Advances in Materials Science and Engineering SCI
59 Preparation and photocatalytic properties of TiO2-Al2O3 composite loaded catalysts Journal of Chemistry SCI
60 Prevention of Taxi Accidents in Xi'an, China: What Matters Most? Central European Journal of Public Health SCI
61 Regional Risk Evaluation of Flood Disasters for the Trunk-Highway in Shaanxi, China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health SCI
62 Rheological and low temperature properties of asphalt composites containing rock asphalts Construction and Building Materials SCI
63 Road safety risk evaluation by means of improved entropy TOPSIS–RSR Safety Science SCI
64 Seismic material properties of reinforced concrete and steel casing composite concrete in elevated pile-group foundation Polish Maritime Research SCI
65 Simulation of friction between cable and sub-wire tube in saddle type anchorage of low-tower cable-stayedbridge Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association SCI
66 Static analytical approach of moderately thick cylindrical ribbed shells based on first-order shear deformation theory Mathematical Problems in Engineering SCI
67 Strain monitoring of widening cement concrete pavement subjected to differential settlement of foundation JOURNAL OF SENSORS SCI
68 Stress monitoring for anchor rods system in subway tunnel using FBG technology Advances in Materials Science and Engineering SCI
69 Study on sliding layer of cross-tensioned concrete pavement Road Materials and Pavement Design SCI
70 Synthesis and Properties of Reactive Liquid Crystal Monomers MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS SCI
71 Synthesis and properties of reactive liquid crystal monomers and side-chain liquid crystalline polymers LIQUID CRYSTALS SCI
72 Test results and nonlinear analysis of RC T-beams strengthened by bonded steel plates International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials SCI
73 The effect of surface modifiers on ultraviolet aging properties of nano-zinc oxide modified bitumen Petroleum Science and Technology SCI
74 The estimation of changes in rail ridership through an onboard survey: did free Wi-Fi make a difference to Amtrak’s Capitol Corridor service? Transportation SCI
75 The mechanism of different thermoregulation types of composite shape-stabilized phase change materials used in asphalt pavement Construction & Building Materials SCI
76 Three-phase composite conductive concrete for pavement deicing Construction and Building Materials SCI
77 Travel Distance on Each Grade Road of Urban City Based on Reliability Mathematical Problems in Engineering SCI
78 Vehicle Load Effect of Long-Span Bridges: Assessment with Cellular Automaton Traffic Model Transportation research record SCI
79 Welfare Analysis Using Logsum Differences Versus Rule of Half Series of Case Studies Transportation Research Record SCI
80 ACMP沥青温拌性能的粘温曲线分析 中国公路学报 EI
81 Analogism-based Investigation and Applicable Condition of Waterproof and Drainage Structural Configuration in Loess Road Tunnel in West China Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering EI
82 Analysis of Deflection Problems of Large-span Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge And Prevention Measures MATEC Web of Conferences EI
83 Application of Factor Analysis and SVM Technique in Expressway Condition Pattern Recognition 第十五届“COTA”国际交通科技年会 EI
84 Application study on the first cable-stayed bridge with CFRP cable in China 交通运输学报(英文版) EI
85 Cold Retrofit Method Study for Fatigue Cracking of Steel Bridge IABSE Confernce EI
86 Construction Monitoring of cable-stayed Bridge based on Gray Prediction Model open civil engineering EI
87 Experimental investigation of pavement behavior after embankment widening using a fiber optic sensornetwork STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING EI
88 External Prestressing Bridge Reinforcement Technology Review MATEC Web of Conferences EI
89 Laboratory Study on the Permeability and Skid Resistance of Asphalt Pavement Fog Seal Layer Proceedings of CICTP2015 EI
90 Mechanical characteristics of steel pipes inside horizontal jet grouting composite structure of intensely weathered granite tunnel Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering EI
91 Numerical Investigation of the Temperature Field of Freeze-proof Separate Lining in Cold-region Tunnel Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering EI
92 Optimization numerical investigation of the section for high hydraulic pressure and water-enriched tunnel based on limited drainage Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering EI
93 Optimizing Traffic Organization in Urban Intersections: A Simulation Study Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Transportation Engineering EI
94 Parameterized Highway Tunnel Inner Contour Design with ObjectARX Advanced Materials Research EI
95 PBL加劲型矩形钢管混凝土不等宽T型节点受拉性能 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
96 Safety computational assessment of segments repairment employing BICS based on load-structure finite element model Journal of Information and Computational Science EI
97 Seismic Reliability Analysis of Long-Span Cable-Stayed Bridges open civil engineering EI
98 Strategies for the Safety Management of Road Transportation Infrastructure under Severe Weather Conditions in China ICTE2015 EI
99 Strategies for the Safety Management of Road Transportation Infrastructure under Severe Weather Conditions in China International Conference on Transportation Engineering 2015 EI
100 Study on the Failure Surface of Heterogeneous Soil at the Passive State Chemical Engineering Transactions EI
101 Study on the Optimum Sectional Form of Geocell Reinforced Retaining Wall International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering EI
102 Validation test on pavement water film depth prediction model China Journal of Highway & Transport EI
103 Vibration Characteristic of Surface Masonry Buildings Induced by Tunnel Blasting Utilizing 3-D Dynamic FEM Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering EI
104 变质软岩路堤填料湿化变形规律研究 岩土力学 EI
105 材料非线性对沥青道面结构力学响应的影响 同济大学学报 EI
106 沉管节段接头剪力键结构形式合理性 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
107 城市交通出行成本的Nash均衡分析 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
108 粗集料形态特征的定量评价指标研究 建筑材料学报 EI
109 大型沉管隧道模型试验相似材料研究 现代隧道技术 EI
110 单因素对粗粒盐渍土的盐胀规律影响效果研究 水利学报 EI
111 地下水对黄土群桩基础影响的试验研究 中国公路学报 EI
112 冻融环境下混凝土力学性能试验及损伤演化 四川大学学报( 工程科学版) EI
113 盾构隧道管片裂缝病害的综合监测与分析 现代隧道技术 EI
114 盾构隧道同步注浆浆液压力分布规律模型试验研究 中国铁道科学 EI
115 多孔沥青混合料的细观空隙特征与影响规律 同济大学学报(自然科学版) EI
116 二灰碎石垂直振动试验方法及评价 建筑材料学报 EI
117 改性沥青SBS含量的红外光谱分析 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
118 高烈度地震区公路路线方案评价 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
119 高速公路半幅封闭施工区限速标志效能试验 交通运输工程学报(EI检索) EI
120 高速公路曲线路段小客车制动行为侧滑风险仿真分析 中国公路学报 EI
121 高速公路直线路段突起路标间隔设置方法 交通运输工程学报 EI
122 高速公路自然景观段落划分及人文节点设置方法 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
123 高速铁路路基下复合地基沉静计算方法 交通运输工程学报 EI
124 公路黄土坝式路堤汛限水位研究 中国公路学报 EI
125 公路隧道双洞互补式通风适用性分析 现代隧道技术 EI
126 含盐高湿环境沥青混合料力学特性的劣化 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版) EI
127 横风作用下载重汽车在复杂路段运行的安全模型 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
128 环氧沥青混凝土增柔增韧改性技术 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
129 黄土冲沟斜坡桥梁桩基竖向承载特性模型试验研究 岩土工程学报 EI
130 基于ArcGIS的中国公路地质灾害危险性区划 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
131 基于DSR和RV的生物沥青结合料流变特性研究 湖南大学学报(自然科学版) EI
132 基于安全与效率的交通事件下高速公路长大下坡限速值 中国公路学报 EI
133 基于车辆行驶稳定性的路边坡坡率研究 中国公路学报 EI
134 基于等效理念的公路网规模公平性评价 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
135 基于动视觉特性的高速公路景观敏感区划分 交通运输工程学报 EI
136 基于非对称贴近度的在役隧道衬砌结构健康诊断方法 现代隧道技术 EI
137 基于父母出行特性的学生出行方式选择研究 交通运输系统工程与信息 EI
138 基于龚帕斯模型的改性乳化沥青胶浆黏度与沥青破乳评价 交通运输工程学报 EI
139 基于国内外试验方法的橡胶沥青性能测试 交通运输工程学报 EI
140 基于加权复杂网络的公路网等级结构划分 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版) EI
141 基于胶浆原理的二灰碎石设计方法 交通运输工程学报 EI
142 基于决策场理论的出行者动态决策行为研究 交通运输系统工程与信息 EI
143 基于模型试验的盾构隧道纵向刚度分析 岩土工程学报 EI
144 基于能量转换的路用降温涂层材料制备与性能 中国公路学报 EI
145 基于时间序列分析法的沥青路面使用性能预测 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
146 基于压缩试验的水泥混凝土弹性模量取值法 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
147 基于一次二阶矩的冻融作用下沥青路面性能可靠度分析 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
148 级配碎石双轴数值试验方法及影响因素 同济大学学报 EI
149 级配碎石塑性变形特性及其安定行为的数值模拟 同济大学学报 EI
150 集料特性对集料-改性乳化沥青胶浆粘度的影响 东南大学学报(自然科学版) EI
151 季冻区橡胶粉与SBS复合改性沥青混合料性能及改性机理 长安大学学报自然科学版 EI
152 简支体系实际刚度分布推算方法 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
153 交通事故下出行者非理性出行行为研究 交通运输系统工程与信息 EI
154 局部火灾下混凝土箱梁悬臂板变形与有效分布宽度 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
155 考虑不确定性的既有桥梁网络管养对策优化 长安大学学报自然科学版 EI
156 考虑残余位移影响的梁式桥基于性能的抗震设计 土木工程学报 EI
157 兰州地铁穿黄段盾构隧道关键技术研究 现代隧道技术 EI
158 沥青混合料动水破坏行为与动力渗水试验模拟 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
159 沥青混合料动态模量试验标准研究 交通运输工程学报 EI
160 梁式桥抗震设计的弹塑性位移反应谱 振动与冲击 EI
161 梁式桥抗震设计的地震能量反应谱分析 土木工程学报 EI
162 内置劲性骨架的PC箱梁桥合龙段时变性能分析 中国公路学报 EI
163 黏土地层盾构隧道临界注浆压力计算及影响因素分析 岩土力学 EI
164 平曲线路段突起路标设置 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
165 浅埋大断面土质隧道下穿明长城施工安全控制技术研究 现代隧道技术 EI
166 浅埋黄土隧道三层支护结构力学特性现场测试 岩土力学 EI
167 融合分形维值的路面裂缝损伤评价模型研究 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
168 软弱黄土隧道变形规律现场测试与分析 岩土力学 EI
169 软弱黄土隧道支护结构力学特性测试 交通运输工程学报 EI
170 软弱破碎隧道围岩动态压力拱效应模型试验 中国公路学报 EI
171 三角刚架斜腿约束作用及影响系数实用计算方法 中国公路学报 EI
172 湿陷性黄土中成孔方式对桩基承载力影响试验研究 岩土力学 EI
173 数字图像技术评价混凝土粗集料结构的有效性分析 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
174 隧道洞口滑坡综合治理与监测分析 铁道工程学报 EI
175 隧道通风井喷射混凝土壁面沿程阻力系数测试 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
176 天然沥青改性沥青的表面自由能分析 交通运输工程学报 EI
177 天然沥青改性沥青热性质与微观结构研究 中国公路学报 EI
178 土的自适应应力认识与研究 岩土工程学报 EI
179 土工格室加筋碎石基层变形机理的数值模拟 中南大学学报(自然科学版) EI
180 碗扣式支架安全状态综合评估方法 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
181 纤维复合材料加固初应力下的钢筋混凝土拱分析 上海交通大学学报 EI
182 橡胶颗粒沥青混合料级配分形与动稳定度的关系 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
183 新型固化剂CDK固化淤泥微观结构及性能 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
184 信号交叉口人车交互运行元胞自动机模型构建 哈尔滨工业大学学报 EI
185 型钢超高强混凝土柱抗震性能试验研究 建筑结构学报 EI
186 岩质岸坡岩样力学参数取值方法比较 交通运输工程学报 EI
187 一种简便的岩石三维Hoek-Brown强度准则 岩石力学与工程学报 EI
188 应力对混凝土中氯离子渗透性的影响 吉林大学学报(工学版) EI
189 在役公路隧道素混凝土衬砌裂缝稳定性分析 中国公路学报 EI
190 主应力轴旋转下中主应力系数对软黏土性状的影响 交通运输工程学报 EI
191 Performance of Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders Exposed to Fire PROTECT2015 ISTP
192 Study on SBS Modified Asphalt Waterproof Bingding Course 2015 Asia-PacificEnerngy Energy Equipment Reserarch Conference ISTP


