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序号 论文题目 刊物名称 检索类别
1 Application of wireless intelligent control system for HPS lamps and LEDs combined illumination in road tunnel Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience SCI
2 Experimental research on temperature field and structure performance under different lining water contents in road tunnel fire Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology SCI
3 Integrated approach combining ramp metering and variable speed limits to improve motorway performance Transportation Research Record SCI
4 Loading capacity strengthening to cement-stabilised crushed gravel using reinforced wire mesh Road Materials and Pavement Design SCI
5 Performance Characteristics Comparisons of Various Asphalt Mixture Technologies Journal of testing and evaluation SCI
6 Professional drivers’ views on risky driving behaviors and accident liability: a questionnaire survey in Xining, China Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research SCI
7 Reliability-based assessment of deteriorating performance to asphalt pavement under freeze–thaw cycles in cold regions Construction & Building Materials SCI
8 A study on the impact coefficient of traffic flows on a large cable-stayed bridge in a windy environment Shock and Vibration SCI
9 Analysis of failure of flexible geocell-reinforced retaining walls in the centrifuge Geosynthetics International SCI
10 Applying method of moments to model the reliability of deteriorating performance to asphalt pavement under freeze-thaw cycles in cold regions Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering SCI
11 Assessment of fire-induced damage and restoration programme in Xinqidaoliang road tunnel Magazine of Concrete Research SCI
12 CArbon fiber heating wire for pavement deicing Journal of Testing and Evaluation SCI
13 Characteristics and dynamic impact of overloaded extra heavy trucks on typical highway bridges Journal of Bridge Engineering SCI
14 Determination of the production temperature of warm mix asphaltby workability test Construction and Building Materials SCI
15 Effects of physio-chemical factors on asphalt aging behavior Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering SCI
16 Epoxy‐functionalized polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane/cyanate ester resin organic–inorganic hybrids with enhanced mechanical and thermal properties Polymer International SCI
17 Experimental Study of Soil Water Migration in Freezing Process Geotechnical Testing Journal SCI
18 Exploration of road temperature adjustment-material in asphalt mixture Road Materials and Pavement Design SCI
19 Exploration of road temperature-adjustment material in asphalt mixture ROAD MATERIALS AND PAVEMENT DESIGN SCI
20 Fiber Bragg grating-based performance monitoring of piles fiber in a geotechnical centrifugal model test Advances in Materials Science and Engineering SCI
21 Flame-retarding effects and combustion properties of asphalt binder blended with organo montmorillonite and alumina trihydrate Construction and Building Materials SCI
22 Fractal Dynamical Model of Vehicular Traffic Flow within the Local Fractional Conservation Laws Abstract and Applied Analysis SCI
23 Interaction mechanism of cement and asphalt emulsion in asphalt emulsion mixtures Materials and Structures SCI
24 Interference effects of a neighboring building on wind loads on scaffolding Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics SCI
25 Investigating freeze-proof durability of C25 shotcete Construction and Building Materials SCI
26 Investigation of the rheological modification mechanism of crumb rubber modified asphalt (CRMA) containing TOR additive Construction and Building Materials SCI
27 Laboratory investigations of activated recycled concrete aggregate for asphalt treated base Construction & Building Materials SCI
28 . Loading capacity strengthening to cement-stabilised crushed gravel using reinforced wire mesh Road Materials and Pavement Design SCI
29 Model test study on effective ratio of segment transverse bending rigidity of shield tunnel Tunneling and Underground SpaceTechnology SCI
30 Modeling traveler mode choice behavior of a new high-speed rail corridor in China Transportation Planning and Technology SCI
31 Multi-objective optimization of traffic signal timing at over-saturated intersection Mathematical Problems in Engineering SCI
32 Optimization of the design of pre-signal system using improved Cellular Automaton Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience SCI
33 Pedestrian Evacuation Time Model for Urban Metro Hubs Based on Multiple Video Sequences Data mathematical problems in engineering SCI
34 Performance evaluation and preventive measures for aging of different bitumens Construction and Building Materials SCI
35 Polyamide 11/poly (vinylidene fluoride)/vinyl acetate-maleic anhydride copolymer as novel blends flexible materials for capacitors Polymers SCI
36 Preparation and analysis of composite phase change material used in asphalt mixture by sol–gel method Construction & Building Materials SCI
37 Reliability-based assessment of deteriorating performance to asphalt pavement under freeze–thaw cycles in cold regions Construction & Building Materials SCI
38 Rheological property investigations for polymer and polyphosphoric acid modified asphalt binders at high temperatures Construction and Building Materials SCI
39 Risk-Based Two-Step Optimization Model for Highway Transportation Investment Decision-Making Journal of Transportation Engineering SCI
40 Safety Impacts of Push-Button and Countdown Timer on Nonmotorized Traffic at Intersections Mathematical Problems in Engineering SCI
41 The Influence of Material Related Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of Foamed Asphalt Mix Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science SCI
42 Transition Characteristic Analysis of Traffic Evolution Process for Urban Traffic Network The Scientific World Journal SCI
43 Vibration of vehicle-bridge coupling system with measured correlated road surface roughness Structural Engineering and Mechanics SCI
44 Analysis of Characteristics of the Passenger Flow of the Original and Terminal Stations of Urban Rail Transit: Take the No. 1 and No. 2 Subway Lines in Xi'an As Examples CICTP 2014: Safe, Smart, and Sustainable Multimodal Transportation Systems EI
45 Grey Relational Analysis of Fiber Asphalt Mixture Based on Pavement Performance and Economic Benefits Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
46 Risk assessment of operation safety in freeway tunnels: An evaluation approach using multiple safety indices journal of transcportation safety and security EI
47 Tunnel Collapse Treatment Technique Research in Xinjiang Tianshan High-Altitude, Low-Temperature Mountain Appled mechanics and materials EI
48 Vehicle Bridge Resonance Judgment Method for Continuous Rigid Frame System geotechnical special publication EI
49 A case study of strain monitoring of tunnel liner based on Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensor Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering EI
50 A Method of Bike Sharing Demand Forecasting Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
51 A Research on Detecting and Recognizing Bridge Cracks in Complex Underwater Conditions Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale EI
52 AC-25集料粒度分布对级配离析的影响 交通运输工程学报 EI
53 Analysis of full scaffold construction continuous beam bridges based on different codes Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Transportation Engineering EI
54 Analysis of grouting impact on soil displacement in pipe jacking construction ICPTT 2014 EI
55 Analysis of the Heavy Traffic Impact on the Life of Asphalt Concrete Pavement Advanced Materials Research EI
56 Analysis of the Shear Lag Effect of Cantilever Box Girder Engineering Review EI
57 Analysis on Aerostatic Response for Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macao Great Bridge in Construction stage Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
58 Analysis on Aerostatic Stability for Jianghai Direct Ship Channel Bridge in Finished Stage Advanced Materials Research EI
59 Analysis on Analogue Simulation for Oscillatory Compaction Implementation in Bridge Deck Pavement Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
60 Analysis the same continuous girder bridge based on different construction methods Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
61 Application of ground penetrating radar to detect the continuity of the strata around the pipeline ICPTT 2014 EI
62 Application of modern timber structures in short and medium span bridges in China Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering EI
63 Applied research of the composite antiager in asphalt Advanced Construction Technologies EI
64 Asphalt aggregate adhesion work of natural asphalt modified aspahlt International Journal of Pavement research and technology EI
65 Asphalt Pavemengt Structure,Numercal Simulation,Sudden Temperature Drop,Temperature-Load Coupling Advanced Pavement Reserarch EI
66 Asphalt-Aggregate adhesion work of natural asphalt modified asphalt International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology EI
67 ATB-30沥青混合料垂直振动成型方法及评价 建筑材料学报 EI
68 Coarse aggregate gradation design index and method of asphalt mixture Advanced Materials Research EI
69 Construction process of four-lane section road tunnel by finite element method Electron. J. Geotech. Eng. EI
70 Damage quantification of concrete tied arch bridge based on step-forward loading method The 37th IABSE SYMPOSIUM 2014 Engineering for Progress, Nature and People EI
71 Diaphragm Damage of Precast Concrete T-Shape Girder Bridge: Analysis and Strengthening Open Civil Engineering Journal EI
72 Dynamic Analysis and Test Validation for Continuous Girder Bridge Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
73 Dynamic Characteristics of Arch Steel Tower in Construction Stages Advanced Materials Research EI
74 Effect of diaphragm on integrity of precast T-shape girder bridge based on inner force analysis Bridge maintenance, safety, management and life extension EI
75 Effect of hindered amine light stabilizer on rheological and aging properties of SBS modified asphal Geotechnical Special Publication EI
76 Estimation of OD matrix in TIA project with TransCAD Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
77 Evaluation of permanent deformation in asphalt overlays using default finite element tools in ABAQUS Geotechnical Special Publication EI
78 Experimental studies on the salt expansion law of gravel sulfate saline soil under the five factors of salt expansion Advanced Materials Research EI
79 Exploration of Traffic Facilities Engineering Design for Tide Lanes Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
80 Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Tests of High Performance Steel HPS 485W 13th International Conference on Fracture EI
81 Fatigue Performance-based Detection and Monitoring of Orthotropic Steel Decks IABMAS2014 EI
82 Freeway work zones safety assessment with improved cellular automata model Journal of Traffic and Transportation EI
83 Frost-resisting Property of Bridge Concrete in AlpineFrigid Region Advanced Pavement Research EI
84 Harmfulness evaluation of uneven support of the foundation to cement concrete pavement CICTP 2014 EI
85 High temperature properties of asphalt modified with two kinds of OMMTs Advanced Materials Research EI
86 Impact analysis of different bus lane layout form to traffic efficiency Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
87 Improved Seismic Checking for Pier Based on Seismic Energy Response Method Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
88 Influence of the pipe jacking methodonthe environment and its response measures ICPTT 2014 - Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology EI
89 Interaction between slag and clinker during cement hydration process Advanced Pavement Research EI
90 Investigating the development of Chinese rural roads Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research EI
91 Laboratory evaluation of Cement Treated Aggregate Containing Crushed Clay Brick Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), EI
92 Modeling of the asphalt concrete to compare uniaxial, Hollow cylindrical, And indirect tensile test International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology EI
93 Multivariate Geometric Factors Contributing to Crashes and Injuries in Mountainous Freeways: A Case Study from Jiangxi, China Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
94 Nonlinear Seismic Response Analysis for Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge Sensors & Transducers EI
95 Numerical Analysis of Failure Mode of Geocell Flexible Retaining Wall ASCE, Geotechnical special publication EI
96 Numerical analysis of the effect of roadside accumulated water on subgrade temperature field in the freezing region Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
97 Numerical Simulation of Prestressed Precast Concrete Bridge Deck Panels using Damage Plasticity Mode International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials EI
98 Numerical simulation research of soil deformation caused by pipe jacking construction ICPTT 2014 - Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology EI
99 Performance-based Fatigue Evaluation of Concrete Girder Bridges IABMAS2014 Proceedding EI
100 Performance-based Retrofitting Methods for Distortion-induced Fatigue in Steel Girder Bridges IABMAS2014 Proceedding EI
101 Process parameters of rubber powder particles modified asphalt Advanced Material Research EI
102 Reinforcement Planning Decision of Old Bridge Based on TOPSIS-AHP Method Advanced Materials Research EI
103 Research of the Deviation of Passenger Flow Forecast of Urban Rail Transit--A Case Study of Metro Line 2 in Xi'an CICTP 2014: Safe, Smart, and Sustainable Multimodal Transportation Systems EI
104 Research on collapse mechanism of tunnel portal shallow burying segment of center diaphragm construcion method and its Treatment[ Advanced Materials Research EI
105 Research on Curvature Mode Characteristics of Damaged Simply Supported Beam Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
106 Research on Software Architecture of Bridge CAD System Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
107 Research on the Effect of Bridge Guardrail to Load Distribution Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
108 Road Performance Study on Gap-Graded and Dense-Graded of Rubber Powder Particles Modified Asphalt Mixture Advanced Material Research EI
109 Safe and Eco-friendly Haze-eliminating Pavement Coating Advanced Materials Research EI
110 Sensitivity Analysis about Traffic Mode Selection of Lintong Metro Line Based on Logit Model Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
111 Sensitivity Analysis of Flexible Pavement Parameters by Mechanistic-Empirical Design Guide Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
112 Single Beam Load Test of Continuous Beam Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
113 Structural performance of concrete-filled rectangular steel tubular joints Geotechnical Special Publication EI
114 Study of Distribution of Weekly Metro Ridership of Xi'an Metro CICTP 2014: Safe, Smart, and Sustainable Multimodal Transportation Systems EI
115 Study of Dynamic Adjustment to the Freeway Entrance Ramp Based on VISSIM Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
116 Study of Setting of Bus Bay Stop Based on VISSIM Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
117 Study of Traffic Impact Assessment for Construction Projects based onRegulatory Detailed Planning Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
118 Study on properties of plate performance of black substratum cement concrete pavement Advanced Materials Research EI
119 Study on static strength of Aeolian sand before and after cyclic loading Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
120 Study on Vehicle Cumulative Energy Consumption of Signalized Intersection CICIP2014 EI
121 Technical method of ground penetrating radar for detecting jacking pipe defects and its application ICPTT 2014 - Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology EI
122 Technical standards of rubber asphalt and crumb rubber modified asphalt Advanced Material Research EI
123 The aerodynamic characteristics of bus in different lateral locations of steel box-girder bridge Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
124 The Analysis of Urban Road Traffic State Based on Kinds Floating Car Data Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
125 The Effect of Modifying Technologies on Asphalt Pavement Performance Proceedings of the 14th COTA international conference of transportation professionals EI
126 The influence of nano-montmorillonite on high temperature performance of asphalt Advanced Materials Research EI
127 The Instance Analysis on the Urban Rail Transit Transfer Stations with Multiple Lines Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
128 The Numerical Simulation of Blasting Demolition on the Solid Pier Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
129 The numerical simulation of the lateral inhomogeneous deformation of the permafrost subgrade Advanced Materials Research EI
130 The relationship between concrete road performance and salt frost Advanced Pavement Research EI
131 The Research of Shear Property of SBS Modified Asphalt and Aggregated Rock Advanced Materials Research EI
132 The Research of Space Temperature Distribution in Solid Tower of Extra-dosed Cable-Stayed Bridge Open Construction and Building Technology Journal EI
133 The Study of Road Network Capacity Based on Unblocked Reliability 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation EI
134 The Study of the Design Method of Expoxy Emulsified Asphalt Mixture Advanced Materials Research EI
135 The Theoretical Research about the Piezoelectric Materials Generating Capacity on Road Applied Mechanics and Materials EI
136 Three-dimensional modeling and simulation of asphalt concrete mixture based on X-ray CTmicrostructure images Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering EI
137 Tourmaline改性沥青混凝土路面降温性能研究 功能材料 EI
138 Tourmaline改性沥青及其混合料热拌减排性能 中国公路学报 EI
139 Towards modeling rutting for asphalt pavement in hot climates Asphalt Pavements EI
140 Unloading phenomena characteristics in brittle rock masses by a large-scale excavation in dam foundation The Open Civil Engineering Journal EI
141 Variable speed control method of freeway mainline based on IGA-DRFNN International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics EI
142 Wind-vehicle-bridge Coupled Vibration Analysis Based on Random Traffic Flow Simulation
Journal of traffic and transportation engineering (English edition)
143 爆燃火灾全程下多梁式PCT型梁桥剪力滞效应 长安大学学报自然科学版 EI
144 边疆地区公路网布局结构稳定性评价 中国公路学报 EI
145 变截面波形钢腹板组合梁剪力滞效应 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
146 滨海氯盐渍土溶陷及盐胀特性 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
147 采用步进加载的桥梁刚度量化识别方法 交通运输工程学报 EI
148 掺海绵多孔水泥混凝土力学和降温性能 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
149 超大跨度斜拉桥随机地震响应参数敏感性分析 铁道学报 EI
150 川藏公路南线(西藏境)松散堆积体类型 长安大学学报 EI
151 垂直振动成型水泥稳定碎石疲劳特性及应用 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
152 粗集料棱角性对OGFC多孔沥青混合料性能的影响 功能材料 EI
153 大跨径桥梁静风稳定参数的敏感性分析 振动与冲击 EI
154 大跨人行悬索桥非线性静风稳定性分析 振动与冲击 EI
155 大纵坡双洞隧道互补式通风运营测试 交通运输工程学报 EI
156 低温成型抗车辙功能沥青混合料路用性能研究 功能材料 EI
157 地铁区间隧道黄土地层注浆预加固技术研究 中国铁道科学 EI
158 地震动作用下公路边坡永久位移分析 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
159 电气石改性沥青混合料路用性能 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
160 冻土融沉对路面结构力学响应的影响 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
161 盾构隧道同步注浆引起的地表变形分析 岩土工程学报 EI
162 多肋火灾钢筋混凝土T型梁桥实体剪力滞比 桥梁建设 EI
163 风化岩路基填料路用性能试验与风化程度评价 交通运输工程学报 EI
164 钢拱塔施工和成塔状态的风振控制 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
165 钢桥塔涡激共振振幅允许值确定研究 中国公路学报 EI
166 高寒地区桥梁混凝土抗氯离子渗透性能研究 建筑材料学报 EI
167 高速公路爬坡车道设置的有效性 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
168 公路连续刚构桥梁车桥耦合共振判定方法 中南大学学报(自然科学版) EI
169 公路施工作业区层级限速方案实施效果评价 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
170 公路隧道扩建力学特征研究 中国公路学报 EI
171 混合设计的高性能钢梁抗弯性能试验研究 交通运输工程学报 EI
172 混凝土曲轴构件粘贴FRP加固试验与计算方法 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版) EI
173 基于GPS的山区农村公路线形安全改进方法研究 北京理工大学学报 EI
174 基于不同算法的道路混凝土干缩神经网络预测 建筑材料学报 EI
175 基于参数变异性的连续配筋混凝土路面横向裂缝分布预估方法 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
176 基于多元线性回归的道路混凝土干缩预测模型 长安大学学报 EI
177 基于风险分析的路基设计洪水频率标准研究 中国公路学报 EI
178 基于建设成本约束的公路网结构演化研究 交通运输系统工程与信息 EI
179 基于结构退化分析的桥梁长期挠度计算 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
180 基于沥青与石料界面剪切的黏塑性流变模型研究 土木工程学报 EI
181 基于裂缝特征库的混凝土梁桥承载能力快速评定 中国公路学报 EI
182 基于凝胶渗透色谱分析的天然沥青高温性能机理 功能材料 EI
183 基于桥梁健康监测的有限元模型修正研究现状与发展趋势 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
184 基于球孔扩张的盾构隧道壁后注浆压密模型 交通运输工程学报 EI
185 基于热分析质谱联用技术的沥青老化机理研究 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
186 基于数字图像技术的沥青路面表面三维构造获取系统 西南交通大学学报 EI
187 基于信息熵的公交优先线控系统相位差优化模型 中国公路学报 EI
188 基于云模型的地震区公路震害风险评估 同济大学学报(自然科学版) EI
189 基于粘性理论的FRP-混凝土界面性能分析方法 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
190 基于长期监测的特重车交通荷载特性及动态过桥分析 中国公路学报 EI
191 基于长期监测的特重车流作用下桥梁动态放大系数研究 振动工程学报 EI
192 基于正戊烷沥青质的温拌沥青老化动力性能 东南大学学报(自然科学版) EI
193 加工工艺参数对SBS改性沥青性能影响 长安大学学报 EI
194 借助三分力系数的桥梁颤振稳定性评价 中国公路学报 EI
195 开孔钢板加劲型方钢管混凝土轴压短柱试验研究 建筑结构学报 EI
196 考虑横风作用的公路平曲线最小半径研究 中国公路学报 EI
197 沥青路面温室气体排放评价方法 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
198 连续配筋混凝土多指标配合比设计方法 交通运输工程学报 EI
199 两种新型无机复合阻燃改性沥青的流变性能及其阻燃机制 复合材料学报 EI
200 桥梁风致振动的混沌特性 交通运输学报 EI
201 桥面沥青铺装温度场的特性及预估模型 长安大学学报:自然科学版 EI
202 软岩大变形偏压公路隧道变形与荷载作用特征 中南大学学报(自然科学版) EI
203 三角形坐标系下沥青组分与粘度、粘附性关系 交通运输工程学报 EI
204 水泥混凝土路面传力杆布设方式仿真模拟 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
205 水泥路面板芯样的压缩试验及流变特性 中国公路学报 EI
206 水泥稳定碎石检查高粘结性透层油的开发与应用 长安大学学报 EI
207 特长公路隧道双洞互补式通风物理模型试验 中国公路学报 EI
208 微表处混合料路用性能影响因素 长安大学学报: 自然科学版 EI
209 温拌再生沥青混合料的压实特性研究 建筑材料学报 EI
210 无机阻燃改性沥青结构表征及阻燃机理研究 功能材料 EI
211 西北地区公路交通价值评估指标体系 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
212 橡胶沥青结合料性能正交试验 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
213 橡胶热再生混合料低温性能与细观特征研究 湖南大学学报(自然科学版) EI
214 新成型水泥混凝土路面板内水分及气体竖向分布 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
215 新型CVC固化剂固化淤泥结构表征与路用性能 中南大学学报(自然科学版) EI
216 悬浮隧道锚索涡激疲劳损伤分析 西南交通大学学报 EI
217 焰流效应下混凝土空心薄壁墩火温时变分布 交通运输工程学报 EI
218 焰流效应下混凝土空心薄壁墩热力耦合形差与层剥分析 中国公路学报 EI
219 诱导条件下的路网交通过饱和预防性控制 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
220 重载作用下沥青路面结构验算方法 长安大学学报 EI
221 主应力轴旋转下原状软黏土的变形及强度特性 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
222 综合客运枢纽旅客换乘交通方式分担模型 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
223 Improved Seismic Checking for Pier Based on Seismic Energy Response Method applied mechanics and materials ISTP


