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序号 论文题目 刊物名称 检索类别
1 Aggregate representation for mesostructure of stone based materials using a sphere growth model based on realistic aggregate shapes MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES SCI
2 Antifreeze asphalt mixtures design and antifreeze performances prediction based on the phase equilibrium of natural solution Cold Regions Science and Technology SCI
3 Case study: Evaluation of a floating steel fender system for bridge pier protection against vessel collision Journal of Bridge Engineering SCI
4 Determination of Specific Heat Capacity on Composite Shape-Stabilized Phase Change Materials and Asphalt Mixtures by Heat Exchange System Materials SCI
5 Effect of Property Variations of Raw Materials on the Variability of Dynamic Moduli of Asphalt Mixtures JOURNAL OF TESTING AND EVALUATION SCI
6 Experimental study on materials composition design and mixture performance of water-retentive asphalt concrete Construction and building materials SCI
7 Influence analyses of mixing approaches on properties of conventional and interlocking-dense concrete Construction and Building Materials SCI
8 The Electrical Performance of Polyamide 66/Poly (vinylidene fluoride) with Vinyl Acetate-Maleic Anhydride Copolymer International Journal of Polymer Science SCI
9 A modified size-dependent core–shell model and its application in the wave propagation of square cellular networks Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures SCI
10 A multiphase micromechanical model for hybrid fiber reinforced concrete considering the aggregate and ITZ effects Construction and Buliding materials SCI
11 A new method for the stability analysis of geosynthetic-reinforced slopes Journal of Mountain Science SCI
12 Aging kinetics characteristics of warm mix asphalt binder using softening point and n-pentane asphaltene content as the parameters JOURNAL OF TESTING AND EVALUATION SCI
13 An Experimental and Numerical Study on Mechanical Behavior of Ubiquitous-Joint Brittle Rock-Like Specimens Under Uniaxial Compression Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering SCI
14 An experimental study on bond-type anchorages for carbon fiber-reinforced polymer cables Construction and Building Material SCI
15 Analysis of tunnel displacement accuracy with total station Measurement SCI
16 Analysis of viscous flow properties of asphalt in aging process Construction and Building Materials SCI
17 Application of Fiber Bragg Grating Strain Sensors to a Centrifuge Model of a Jacked Pile inCollapsible Loess Geotechnical Testing Journal SCI
18 Automatic pressure-control equipment for horizontal jet-grouting Automation in Construction SCI
19 Benchmarking road safety performance: Identifying a meaningful reference (best-in-class) Accident Analysis and Prevention SCI
20 Characterization of low temperature crack resistance of crumb rubber modified asphalt mixtures using semi-circular bending tests Journal of Testing and Evaluation SCI
21 Characterizing StressStrain Relationships of Asphalt Treated Base JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING SCI
22 Closed-form frequency solutions for simplified strain gradient beams with higher-order inertia European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids SCI
23 Comparative evaluation of laboratory and field ageing of asphalt binder using a non-linear differential model Road Materials and Pavement Design SCI
24 Comparison of contributing factors in hit-and-run crashes with distracted and non-distracted drivers Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour SCI
25 Compressibility of cemented dredged clay at high water content with super-absorbent polymer Engineering Geology SCI
26 Current status and development of terminal blend tyre rubber modified asphalt Construction and Building Materials SCI
27 Deformation and mechanical model of temporary support sidewall in tunnel cutting partial section Tunnelling & Underground Space Technology SCI
28 Deformation rule and mechanical characteristics of temporary support in soil tunnel constructed by sequential excavation method Journal of Civil Engineering SCI
29 Design and performance validation of high-performance cement paste as a grouting material forsemi-flexible pavement Construction and Building Materials SCI
30 Development and validation of nonlinear viscoelastic damage (NLVED) model for three-stage permanent deformation of asphalt concrete CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS SCI
31 Development of a Full-Depth Wheel Tracking Test for Asphalt Pavement Structure: Methods and Performance Evaluation Advances in Materials Science and Engineering SCI
32 Development of a rutting prediction model for asphalt pavements with the use of an accelerated loading facility Road Materials and Pavement Design SCI
33 Differential-scheme based micromechanical framework for saturated concrete repaired by the electrochemical deposition method Materials and structures SCI
34 Dynamic effect of metro-induced vibration on the rammed earth base of the Bell Tower Springerplus SCI
35 Effect of three-dimensional macrotexture characteristics on dynamic frictional coefficient of asphalt pavement surface Construction and Building Materials SCI
36 Effectiveness and performance of high friction surface treatments at a national scale Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering SCI
37 Effects of coupling agents on the structure and electrical properties of PZT-Poly (Vinylidene Fluoride) Composites Applied Science SCI
38 Effects of temperature and loading frequency on asphalt and filler interaction ability CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS SCI
39 Evaluation and Comparison of Real-Time Laser and Electric Sand-Patch Pavement Texture-Depth Measurement Methods Journal of Transportation Engineering SCI
40 Evaluation of Coarse Aggregate in Cold Recycling Mixes Using X-Ray CT Scanner and Image Analysis JOURNAL OF TESTING AND EVALUATION SCI
41 Evaluation of deformation properties of asphalt mixture using aggregate slip test International Journal of Pavement Engineering SCI
42 Evaluation of the mechanical behaviors of cement-stabilized cold recycled mixtures produced by vertical vibration compaction method Materials and Structures SCI
43 Experimental and numerical investigation into surface strength of mine tailings after biopolymer stabilization Acta Geotechnica SCI
44 Experimental study on steel reinforced high-strength concrete columns under cyclic lateral force and constant axial load Engineering Structures SCI
45 Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors-Based In-situ Monitoring and Safety Assessment of Loess Tunnel Journal of Sensors SCI
46 Flexural behavior and ductility of hybrid high performance steel I-girders Journal of Constructional Steel Research SCI
47 Flexural fatigue behavior of polymer-modified pervious concrete with single sized aggregates Construction and Building Materials SCI
48 Formulation and performance comparison of grouting materials for semi-flexible pavement CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS SCI
49 Freeze-proof method and test verification of a cold region tunnel employing electric heat tracing TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY SCI
50 FTIR Analysis of UV Ageing on Bitumen and Its Fractions Materials and Structures SCI
51 FTIR and rheology analysis of aging on different ultraviolet absorber modified bitumens Construction and Building Materials SCI
52 Geological formation and geo-hazards during subway construction in Guangzhou Environmental Earth Sciences SCI
53 Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Asphalt Pavement Construction: A Case Study in China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health SCI
54 Ground fissures in Xi’an and measures to prevent damage to the Metro tunnel system due to geohazards Environmental Earth Sciences SCI
55 Health monitoring of cuplok scaffold joint connection using piezoceramic transducers and time reversal method SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES SCI
56 High and low temperature properties of nano-particles/polymer modified asphalt Construction and Building Materials SCI
57 How eye movement and driving performance vary before, during, and after entering a long expressway tunnel: considering the differences of novice and experienced drivers under daytime and nighttime conditions SPRINGERPLUS SCI
58 Identification of Hydraulic Conductivity in Aquifer for Coupled FEM and Adaptive Genetic Algorithm Mathematical Problems in Engineering SCI
59 Impacts of aggregate geometrical features on the rheological properties of asphalt mixtures duringcompaction and service stage Construction and Building Materials SCI
60 In Situ Test of Grouting Reinforcement for Water-Enriched Sandy Gravel Ground in River Floodplain Advances in Materials Science and Engineering SCI
61 Influence of chemical additives on mixing procedures and performance properties of asphalt emulsion recycled mixture with reclaimed cement-stabilized macadam Construction and Building Materials SCI
62 Influence of tyre inflation pressure on measured pavement strain responses and predicted distresses Road materials and pavement design SCI
63 Investigating freeze-proof durability of C25 shotcrete Construction & Building Materials SCI
64 Investigation of early-stage strength for cold recycled asphalt mixture using foamed asphalt CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS SCI
65 Investigation Progresses and Applications of Fractional Derivative Model in Geotechnical Engineering Mathematical Problems in Engineering SCI
66 Investigation of microstructural damage in shotcrete under a freeze–thaw environment Construction & Building Materials SCI
67 Laser-based measuring method for mean joint faulting value of concrete pavement OPTLK SCI
68 Long-term aging effect on rheological properties of combined binders from various polymers with GTR CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING SCI
69 Micro-simulation of Desired Speed for Temporary Work Zone with a New Calibration Method Promet–Traffic&Transportation SCI
70 Molecular Dynamics Simulation to Investigate the Interaction of Asphaltene and Oxide in Aggregate Advances in Materials Science and Engineering SCI
71 Nanodispersed Carbon Black on Enhancing the Dielectric Properties of Polyamide 11/Poly (vinylidene fluoride) Blend Films Science of Advanced Materials SCI
72 Nonlinear viscoelastic model for asphalt mixture subjected to repeated loading Road Materials and Pavement Design SCI
73 Observations of the softening phenomena in the nonlocal cantilever beams Composite Structures SCI
74 Performance evaluation of bitumen modified with pyrolysis carbon black made from waste tyres Construction and Building Materials SCI
75 Performance of cement-stabilised crushed brick aggregates in asphalt pavement base and subbase applications Road Materials and Pavement Design SCI
76 Performance of Multiaxial Paving Interlayer-Reinforced Asphalt Pavement JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING SCI
77 Prediction of Soil Deformation in Tunnelling Using Artificial Neural Networks COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND NEUROSCIENCE SCI
78 Preparation and characterization of novel light induced self-healing materials for cracks in asphalt pavements Construction and Building Materials SCI
79 Preparation and Electric Property of PA/PVDF Blend for Energy Storage Material Polymer Science Series A SCI
80 Preparation of a novel flow improver and its viscosity-reducing effect on bitumen Fuel SCI
81 Real-time Monitoring and Early Warning Method of Disaster Precursor Induced by Serious Water Inrush in Underground Engineering Oxidation Communications SCI
82 Research on the computational method of vibration impact coefficient for the long-span bridge and its application in engineering Journal of Vibroengineering (JVE) SCI
83 Settlement Analysis of Saturated Tailings Dam Treated by CFG Pile Composite Foundation ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING SCI
84 Shape-memory behaviors of epoxy-functionalized polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane/epoxy organic–inorganic hybrid resin systems High Performance Polymers SCI
85 Shear strength prediction for steel fiber reinforced concrete beams without stirrups Engineering Structures SCI
86 Simulation of Permanent Deformation in High-Modulus Asphalt Pavement Using the Bailey-Norton Creep Law Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering SCI
87 Stress Analysis of CFG Pile Composite Foundation in Consolidating Saturated Mine Tailings Dam ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING SCI
88 Study on microstructure of rubberized recycled hot mix asphalt based X-ray CT technology CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS SCI
89 Study on the fire damage characteristics of the new Qidaoliang highway tunnel: field investigation with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) back analysis International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health SCI
90 Surface effects on the bending, buckling and free vibration analysis of magneto-electro-elastic beams Acta Mechanica SCI
91 Temperature Response to Tensile Characteristics of the Hot Asphalt Mixtures KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering SCI
92 The Effect of Morphological Characteristic of Coarse Aggregates Measured with Fractal Dimension on Asphalt Mixture’s High-Temperature Performance ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING SCI
93 The Greenhouse Gas Emission from Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Construction in China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health SCI
94 The mechanical performance of shear key of immersed tube tunnel with differential foundation settlement Journal of Sensors SCI
95 The mechanism of different thermoregulation types of composite shape-stabilized phase change materials used in asphalt pavement Construction And Building Materials SCI
96 The Synthesis of Hydroxybutyrate-Based Block Polyurethane from Telechelic Diols withRobust Thermal and Mechanical Properties Journal of Chemistry SCI
97 Three dimensional analysis of unconfined seepage in earth dams by the weak form quadrature element method Journal of Hydrology SCI
98 Transient aerodynamic forces of a vehicle passing through a bridge tower’s wake region in crosswind environment Wind and Structure SCI
99 Utilization of Construction Waste Composite Powder Materials as Cementitious Materials in Small-Scale Prefabricated Concrete Advances in Materials Science and Engineering SCI
100 Vibration analysis of a multi-span continuous bridge subject to complex traffic loading and vehicle dynamic interaction KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering SCI
101 Vibration Response Characteristics of the Cross Tunnel Structure SHOCK AND VIBRATION SCI
102 Wave propagation characteristics in thick conventional and auxetic cellular plates Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica SCI
103 Wave propagation in hexagonal lattices with plateau borders Composite Structures SCI
104 What leads to severe mountainous freeway crashes in southeast of China? Tehnicki vjesnik/Technical Gazette SCI
105 Laboratory evaluation of long-term anti-icing performance and moisture susceptibility of chloride-based asphalt mixture International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology EI
106 A mode choice behaviour study of bicycle travelling Advances on Civil Engineering and Building Materials IV EI
107 Actuated Signal Control System for Pedestrian Street Crosswalk at Midblock Crossings Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering EI
108 Analysis of Traffic Capacity on the Freeway Weaving Area Based on Linear Regression CICTP 2016 EI
109 Application of vibrating wire sensor for health monitoring in cold-regions road tunnel: A case study Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering EI
110 CFRP筋黏结型锚具试验研究及实桥应用分析 中国公路学报 EI
111 Cold Reinforcement Method for Distortion-induced Fatigue Cracks in Steel Bridges IABSE Conference, Guangzhou 2016: Bridges and Structures Sustainability - SeekingIntelligent Solutions EI
112 Computational Optimization of the Insulation Parameter of Freeze-proof Separate Lining in Cold-region Tunnel Journal of Information and Computational Science EI
113 Determination model of optimal operating length for modern tram ICCAHE2016 EI
114 Durability Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Arch Bridge Based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Method Open Civil Engineering Journal EI
115 Dynamical Numerical Investigation into Influence of Vibrating Load on Intersecting Tunnel Structure Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering EI
116 Experimental study of the anti-slip capacity of saddle-type pylon-anchorage for extra-dossed bridges Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience EI
117 Fatigue reliability assessment method for concrete girder bridges Maintenance, Monitoring, Safety, Risk and Resilience of Bridges and Bridge Networks EI
118 How Expressway Geometry Factors Contribute to Accident Occurrence? A Binary Logistic RegressionStudy Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering EI
119 Lateral Bracing Method for Cable Alignment Transformation IABSE 2016 EI
120 Long lasting high performance steel bridge research progress and engineering application Maintenance, Monitoring, Safety, Risk and Resilience of Bridges and Bridge Networks EI
121 Numerical Analysis on Deformation Behavior of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Slopes Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería EI
122 Numerical investigation on soil deformation and disturbance range induced by pipe jacking in sand soil Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering EI
123 Performance assessment of strengthened concrete girder bridges based on monitoring data Maintenance, Monitoring, Safety, Risk and Resilience of Bridges and Bridge Networks EI
124 Performance Optimization Measurement Method of Cost Management for Highway Construction Project China Journal of Highway and Transport EI
125 Reinforcement Simulation for Ramp Bridge CRC PRESS/Balkema EI
126 Research on Driving Behavior Based on Vehicles Safety Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience EI
127 Research on the aseismic behavior of long span cable-stayed bridge with damping effect Civil Engineering Journal EI
128 Shear Behaviour Experimental Study for Full-scale PC Box Girder Strengthened by Composite Strengthening Method IABSE Conference, Guangzhou 2016: Bridges and Structures Sustainability - Seeking Intelligent Solutions EI
129 Temperature-stress coupling numerical study on mechanics effect of cold-regions tunnel considering construction process Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering EI
130 The Alignment Transformation Method for the Spatial Main Cable IABSE 2016 EI
131 three-parameter creep damage constitutive model and its application in hydraulic tunnelling civil engineering journal EI
132 半刚性基层沥青路面层间界面力学特性与黏结状态的试验研究 东南大学学报: 自然科学版, EI
133 半刚性基层双层连续摊铺层间结合状态 交通运输工程学报 EI
134 半刚性基层双层连续摊铺施工组织工艺研究 中国公路学报 EI
135 半刚性路面材料大压实功压实规律研究 中国公路学报 EI
136 层间接触状态对桥面铺装结构力学响应的影响 湖南大学学报(自然科学版) EI
137 掺不同温拌剂沥青混合料的动态模量及疲劳特性 建筑材料学报 EI
138 大厚度黄土地层拓宽路基浸水破坏机制 同济大学学报 EI
139 大跨径钢筋混凝土拱桥悬臂浇筑施工控制 交通运输工程学报 EI
140 带裂缝桥面铺装内部动水行为仿真模拟 哈尔滨工业大学学报 EI
141 单根水平旋喷桩施工引起地表隆起变形规律研究 中国公路学报 EI
142 道路常用温拌改性剂现状与路用性能评价 材料导报 EI
143 地应力对路基下伏溶洞稳定性的影响 岩土力学 EI
144 冻融循环作用对乳化沥青冷再生混合料抗剪性能的影响 材料导报 EI
145 盾构隧道管片注浆幂律流型浆液渗透扩散模型 岩土工程学报 EI
146 多聚磷酸复合SBS改性沥青流变性能及抗老化特性 东南大学学报 (自然科学版) EI
147 多聚磷酸改性沥青高温评价性能指标研究 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版) EI
148 飞机稳态转弯滑行时起落架侧向荷载研究 土木工程学报 EI
149 负重轮碾压的路用降温涂层高温稳定性能 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
150 钢管混凝土拱肋轴力-应变关系 中国公路学报 EI
151 高速公路分流区事故扩散最早恢复时间敏感性分析 中国公路学报 EI
152 高速公路客货分线设置条件研究(英文) 中国公路学报 EI
153 高速公路沥青路面能耗与碳排放评价 长安大学学报(自然科学版) EI
154 格栅紊流风特性参数模拟规律研究 振动与冲击 EI
155 黄土地层浸水湿陷对地铁隧道影响试验研究 岩土工程学报 EI
156 混凝土连续箱梁支点处钢束预应力高温衰变研究 桥梁建设 EI
157 基于Logsum差异和嵌套Logit模型的交通出行者效益测算研究 交通运输系统工程与信息 EI
158 基于服务水平的高速公路养护作业区长度确定方法 中国公路学报 EI
159 基于关联性的玄武岩纤维沥青胶浆及其混合料性能研究 材料导报 EI
160 基于可靠度的冻融循环下沥青路面性能 吉林大学学报(工学版) EI
161 基于实测温差模式的大节段吊装钢箱梁焊接时机研究 中国公路学报 EI
162 基于调节因素的盐渍土盐胀率随含水率变化规律研究 中国公路学报 EI
163 基于正交试验的掺CWCPM的小型混凝土配合比优化设计 材料导报 EI
164 间断级配纤维微表处性能及指标研究 中南大学学报(自然科学版) EI
165 碱激发和复合激发下建筑垃圾砖粉活性研究 材料导报 EI
166 建筑垃圾复合粉体材料对混凝土抗冻性能的影响 材料导报 EI
167 开孔钢板加劲型方钢管混凝土长柱轴压性能试验研究 建筑结构学报 EI
168 考虑高阶振型的改进能力谱法在铁路高桥墩中的应用 土木工程学报 EI
169 空间索形悬索桥吊装施工过程分析方法 同济大学学报自然科学版 EI
170 空间索型自锚式悬索桥吊索张拉过程分析方法 工程力学 EI
171 宽幅钢箱梁斜拉桥悬拼匹配技术研究 中国公路学报 EI
172 沥青混合料的变速拌和功率测试与拌和流变模型 交通运输工程学报 EI
173 沥青路面结构可靠度的研究进展及展望 中国公路学报, EI
174 沥青路面离析的数字图像评价方法 湖南大学学报(自然科学版) EI
175 沥青稳定再生集料的试验研究 建筑材料学报 EI
176 砾类亚硫酸盐渍土盐胀率的简化预测模型 中国公路学报 EI
177 纳米CaCO3/SBR复合改性沥青及混合料的高温性能 材料导报 EI
178 桥梁颤振稳定性快速评价参数及其应用 中国公路学报 EI
179 桥面铺装混凝土调平层与沥青面层接触状态研究 建筑材料学报 EI
180 青藏高原多年冻土区公路智能选线方法 交通运输工程学报 EI
181 融雪剂融冰能力及其对沥青混合料抗剥落性能影响 Journal of Southeast University EI
182 深埋软岩大变形偏压公路隧道三层支护结构受力变形特征 中国公路学报 EI
183 水泥稳定再生集料的性能及其影响因素研究 建筑材料学报 EI
184 水平旋喷桩施工引起周围土体变形分析 岩土力学 EI
185 铁路钢筋混凝土拱桥使用安全现状评估 铁道工程学报 EI
186 橡胶沥青混合料和易性与压实特性的相关性 东南大学学报(自然科学版) EI
187 玄武岩纤维沥青胶浆性能试验研究 建筑材料学报 EI
188 抑制斜拉桥施工阶段风致振动的水阻尼器可行性研究 振动与冲击 EI
189 用于粘结层的高性能乳化沥青制备与性能评价 材料导报 EI
190 正交异性钢桥面板冷维护技术及评价方法 中国公路学报 EI
191 智能发电路面压电元件保护措施设计及能量输出 中国公路学报 EI
192 桩基承载过程对临近地铁隧道的影响机制 哈尔滨工业大学学报 EI
193 自锚式悬索-斜拉桥吊装施工方法及其性能分析 桥梁建设 EI
194 左转许可控制的平交口直左与左转车道延误比较 交通运输工程学报 EI
195 Analysis of Factors Contributing to Hit-and-Run Crashes Involved with Improper Driving Behaviors Procedia Engineering ISTP
196 Evolution Mechanism of Roads Network Procedia Engineering ISTP
197 Rutting Prediction based on Decay Model on the Pavement-ME and Matter Element Analysis for Asphalt Pavement 1st International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure and Materials (ICTIM) ISTP
198 公路防风结构物实测效果比较与优化设置模拟研究 公路交通科技 ISTP

