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1st iSMARTi International Symposium on Pavement Service Functional Design and Management, PFDM Symposium 2019 was held in Chang’an University

Time:October 31, 2019

From October 24 to 26, the 1st iSMARTi International Symposium on Pavement Service Functional Design and Management, PFDM Symposium 2019, sponsored by Changan University and jointly organized by the Shaanxi Provincial Highway Society, was grandly held at the Academic Exchange Center of Changan University. The theme of this conference is "Pavement Service Function Design and Management", which mainly involves the latest research results of pavement anti-skid safety, noise reduction, comfort, surface texture characteristics, etc.. More than 260 well-known scholars and professionals from 16 countries and regions including China, Portugal, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Sweden, the Netherlands, Italy, Greece, Singapore, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Malaysia participated in the event. Xue Sheng Gaozheng Senior Engineer, Deputy Director of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Transportation, Niu Sishengzheng Senior Engineer, Chief Engineer of Gansu Provincial Department of Transportation, and leaders of relevant departments of School and College were also invited to attend the opening ceremony.

Professor Chang Aimin of Chang’an University delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. On behalf of the University, he extended a warm welcome to the experts and scholars attending the meeting. He pointed out that under the background of the “Belt and Road” initiative and global economic integration, highway transportation infrastructure is a key area for close cooperation among countries. For highway pavement design, surface function research is the key to achieving high road performance. Chang’an University, as a world-class university for the construction of transportation engineering in China, will continue to leverage its advantages in the field of highway engineering and provide a good platform for international research cooperation.

President Sha Aimin's speech

Professor Paulo Pereira, director of the International Transportation Infrastructure Maintenance and Repair Association (iSMARTi), University of Minho, Portugal, fully affirmed and highly appreciated the achievements of Changan University in the field of road surface function, and congratulate the first international conference on road surface function successfully held. Professor T.F.Fwa, chairman of the PFDM International Committee and academician of the Singapore Academy of Engineering, delivered a speech, arguing that this meeting can attract many well-known experts and scholars at home and abroad to participate, demonstrating Changan University ’s research strength and influence in the field of road engineering. The chairman of the conference, Professor Han Sen, warmly welcomed the arrival of more than 260 delegates. He hoped that everyone would use this conference to share the research results, jointly promote the research and development of road surface functions, and improve the level and function of pavement services.

Professor Paulo Pereira, Director of iSMARTi giving a speech

Professor T.F.Fwa, Academician of Singapore Academy of Engineering and Distinguished Professor of the School of Highway, giving a speech

Professor Han Sen, Chairman of the Conference, giving a speech

Associate Professor Kumar Anupam of Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands and Prof. Ulf Sandberg of Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden delivered keynote speeches respectively on "Thermodynamic Research on Anti-slip Performance" and "Overview of Research and Development of Tire and Road Noise in Europe".


During the meeting, the participating experts and scholars mainly conducted academic reports on five topics including "road safety characteristics", "tire noise characteristics", "road surface characterization", "road surface characteristics", and "road surface condition assessment", and aimed at relevant topics. In-depth exchanges and discussions were conducted on related issues, and the atmosphere was warm.


Participants visited the indoor high-speed tire pavement test platform HTP2 of the road surface function laboratory, the drag-type low-speed friction coefficient tester WFT and other surface function research related equipment, and went to the Weishui campus of Chang'an University to visit the road accelerated loading test system HVS, car test runway and the world's first expressway-Qin Zhidao, and other one-day technical inspections.

The International Conference on Road Surface Functions was initiated by Changan University and aims to build an international exchange platform for world road researchers and professional technicians. Well-known scholars from different countries expressed their opinions and shared the latest international achievements in the field of pavement research, especially in the study of surface functions. This is not only of great significance to promote the research of road surface functions and deepen international cooperation, but also enhance the international status and influence of our country and our school in the road engineering discipline.

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