
Lecture: Advanced Technology and Standards for Subgrade Pavement Engineering -- May 20 - May 24

Time:May 30, 2019


Course Introduction: "Advanced Technology and Standards for Subgrade Pavement Engineering", covers subgrade engineering, pavement engineering, advanced road materials and structural design, French road material and structural design, and standard deviation comparison.


Date:  May 20th - May 24th 9:00 am to 11:00 am

Class location: Room 601, Traffic Technology Building, Main Campus

Course Content:

(1) Constituents of bituminous pavement materials

Ÿ   Overall presentation of the course.

Ÿ   Role of the different constituents in the asphalt mixture.

Ÿ   Main specifications for the aggregate and the bitumen.

Ÿ   Coating of aggregate

(2) The French approach to asphalt mixture design

Ÿ   Behaviour during placing:

- Development and use of the Gyratory Shear Compaction test

- Influence of different parameters on compaction

Ÿ   Behaviour in service, rutting:

- The wheel tracking test

- Influence of different parameters on rutting

Ÿ   The different levels of mixture design

(3) Mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures (French approach)

Ÿ   Investigation of the visco-elastic behaviour


- Testing and determination

- Influence of parameters


- Testing and characterisation

- Influence of parameters

(4) French approach to pavement design of bituminous pavements

Ÿ   The modes of physical damage of pavements

Ÿ   Modelling of the pavement and loads

Ÿ   From visco elastic behaviour to an elastic model of the pavement materials

Ÿ   Criteria for pavement design

Ÿ   Allowable strains

(5) Pavement design (French approach)

Ÿ   Input data

Ÿ   Notion of equivalent temperature

Ÿ   Traffic (standard legal axle, equivalence of multiple axles, coefficient of average aggressiveness, equivalent cumulated traffic)

Ÿ   Examples of bituminous pavement design.


The lectures will be given by Prof. Jean-François Corté

Professor Jean-François Corté graduated from the Polytechnic University of Paris, France, the French National Road and Bridge College and the University of California, Berkeley. He was the Secretary-General of the former World Road Association (PIARC) and was the Director of the National Highway Network Management and Construction Center of the French Ministry of Transport and the Technical Director of Road Engineering in the French Central Road and Bridge Laboratory (LCPC, now IFSTTAR). Professor JF Corté's main research areas involve: High modulus asphalt and mixture, asphalt pavement modeling technology, subgrade pavement engineering, road material testing and analysis technology, etc. He is an authoritative expert and well-known scholar in the field of French road engineering. He is the editor-in-chief of several French geotechnical and highway standards; the legal representative of the CEN TC227 writing group of the European Technical Specification; the French representative of the European Technical Specification CEN TC336 writing group.

Pre:Lecture: Bridge Conceptual Design -- June 10 - June 14


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