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Mark Richardson, Honorary Professor of University of Dublin, Ireland, gave a series of lectures on freshman education for students of CHD-UCD Dual degree programme

Time:December 23, 2019


From December 2nd to 6th, 2019, Honorary Professor Mark Richardson of the University of Dublin in Ireland accompanied Amanda Gibney, Dean of the School of Civil Engineering in Dublin, visited the School of Highway. During the visit, Mark Richardson gave a series of lectures on study method and efficiency for the 2019 freshmen of CHD-UCD Dual degree programme.

Professor Mark Richardson started the lectures with active learning and covered the aspects of classroom learning efficiency, target reading, written assignments, time management and so on. Freshmen are in a period of transition from passive learning in high school to active learning at university. Professor Mark Richardson ’s series of lectures helped freshmen to smoothly pass the transition period, deeply understand the characteristics of university life, improve time management capabilities, improve learning efficiency, and enrich university life. Professor Richardson organized team collaboration training on the topic of "How Irish History Makes Today's Ireland", requiring students to make group posters and report and discuss. Students' teamwork, language expression and other skills have been strengthened.

For the sophomore students, Professor Richardson gave a keynote report on "Writing Homework Writing", which briefly introduced how to write academic work and complete written work for different courses.

In addition, Professor Mark Richardson and Dean Amanda Gibney had a discussion with all members of the International Education Center of the School of Highway, and had an in-depth understanding of the current status of the programme, student characteristics and existing problems.

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