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Irish Culture Week was successfully held by Highway School

Time:April 1, 2019


On March 21st, Clár Ní Bhuachalla, director of UCD Irish Language Center, and five delegation members were invited to visit our School. Deputy Secretary of the Highway College Lei Xianfeng, Director of the International Education Center Yang Guanghui, and Director of the International Cooperation Department of Chang'an University, Wang Dong, met with the visitors and had a discussion on the issues related to the school and cultural exchanges. A variety of cultural exchange activities was carried out between the visitors and Chang'an students from CHD-UCD dual degree programme.


During the Irish Culture Week, Chang'an students learned about traditional Irish, Irish Gaelic football, songs, whistle, tap dance and other traditional Irish activities, and finaly developed a deep understanding of the Irish national culture. At the end of the event, a talent show was performed by both Irish and Chinese students.

A profound friendship has been built between the teachers and students from both sides.



Opening Ceremony


Introduction of Irish Culture


Irish Tap Dance


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