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The delegation of Highway School participated in the 98th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Council of the United States Academy of Sciences (TRB2019)

Time:February 25, 2019


From January 12 to 17, 2019, the 98th Transportaion Research Board (TRB) was held in Washington. Professor Wang Hainian (Associate Dean of the Highway School), Professor Tien Fang Fwa, Professor Han Sen, Professor Wang Yuanqing, Professor Chen Hong and more than 30 teachers and students attended the academic event. During the conference, a series of activities, such as  recruitment promotion for overseas talents, academic exchanges, and alumni fellowship, was organized.


In this year's conference, 20 papers from Highway School were included in the seminar, presenting as presentations or posters at different conference venues, which fully demonstrated the latest scientific research achievements in related fields of our institute. Thd chang'an delegation performed in-depth academical communications with experts and scholars from other countries.


The delegation of Highway School


In order to actively promote the internationalization of Highway School, and expand exchanges with well-known overseas institutions, Chang'an University held a recruitment promotion for overseas talents with the platform provided by this TRB Annual Meeting. Professor Wang Hainian organized a number of teachers in our school to publicize profiles about the School of Highway, the talent introduction policy, and the Journal of Transportation Engineering (English version) to encourage outstanding scholars at home and abroad to exchange work with Chang'an University.


On the evening of January 14, Changan University organized an overseas alumni networking event in Washington. Overseas alumni working in the United States, Chinese experts in the transportation field, and more than 150 teachers and students from overseas exchanging programmes attended the event. Professor Wang Hainian gave a speech thanking overseas alumni, experts and scholars for their long-term support and concern for Chang'an University and Highway School.


The American Alumni Association of Chang'an University was formally established on January 14. Professor Fang Yingwu,  was elected as the first president of the Association. The establishment and networking activities of the American Alumni Association of Chang'an University enhanced the connection and exchange between overseas alumni and the school.


Talent Recruitment Activities


The American Alumni Association of Chang'an University

Pre:The vice dean of the Highway School, Professor Wang Hainian participated in the 2019 annual coordination meeting of the China-Pakistan Highway Technical Cooperation Five-Year Action Plan

Next:The vice dean of the Highway School, Professor Wang Hainian participated in the 2019 annual coordination meeting of the China-Pakistan Highway Technical Cooperation Five-Year Action Plan


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