会议名称:The 7th international Conference- Bituminous Mixture and Pavements (2019)
会议时间: 12–14 June 2019
会议地点:Hyatt Regency hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece
举办单位:ΑUTh, Greece
Submission of abstract (150 words) until 16th March 2018
Acceptance of abstract 23th March 2018
Submission of draft manuscript for evaluation untill 31st July 2018
Acceptance and notification for presentation until 31st October 2018
Submission of final manuscript until 30th November 2018
The objectives of the 7th International Conference are to present new developments, technologies, specifications and research activities worldwide, in bituminous materials and pavements. Also, to exchange ideas and experiences, to the benefit of those engaged in Highway and Airport Engineering and in particular design, construction, maintenance and pavement management, reclaimed and recycled materials as well as the production and use of materials and bituminous mixtures.
Bitumen, modified bitumen, bituminous emulsions.
Aggregates for unbound layers
Aggregates for asphalt mixtures
Subgrade and subgrade materials
Hot and cold asphalt mixtures (design, construction, testing, performance)
New methods and technologies for pavement design and construction in highways and airports
Maintenance, rehabilitation and stengthening of highway and airport pavements
Pavement surface characteristics (evenness, skid resistance, etc.)
Non-destructive methods for structural assessment and characteristics of pavements
Prediction models of pavement performance
Pavement recycling and alternative construction materials
Use of geotextiles in road construction and pavement maintenance
Safety at works and effects of roadworks to the environment
Highway and airport management systems, pavement management systems and network operation systems
Street furniture, road marking materials and road safety
Sustainability and energy considerations of bituminous mixtures and pavements