【国际会议7】RILEM 252-CMB
会议名称:RILEM 252-CMB Symposium on Chemo-Mechanical Characterization of Bituminous Materials
会议地点:FourSide Hotel in Braunschweig, Germany
举办单位:Braunschweig Pavement Engineering Centre
2017.11.27 Submission of 6-page-paper open
2018.04.10 Submission of 6-page-paper due
2018.06.01 Notification of acceptance of papers
2018.09.17-18 RILEM 252-CMB-Symposium
2018.09.19-20 RILEM Cluster F-TCs Annual Meeting
Aim of the conference
1、Create a high level technical and scientific platform in which professionals, scientists and academic staff can exchange on new insights on chemo mechanical characterization of bituminous materials.
2、Provide a forum for high quality peer reviewed papers to be presented and discussed.
3、Advance the understanding on the existing practice and while establishing a comparison base with new developments.
4、Publish high-quality research in top scientific journals such as the International Journal of Road Materials and Pavement Design – RMPD and the Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering– JTTE (English Edition) (Elsevier).